30 December 2010

Christmas Holidays

This Christmas I headed out of the city to spend my holidays up north.  The one constant on the long drive up was the phalanx of trees laden with hoarfrost.  As I drove further, the sun set and darkness settled over the crisp land.  The snow and hoarfrost, illuminated by my headlights, stood stark against the pitch-black.  A white wolf stood at the edge of the road and greeted me into the north.  It felt magical.  Perhaps it was just sentiments of Christmas Eve, but I haven't felt that kind of wonder or anticipation in a long time.

On the lookout tower at Lake Athapapuskow (Lake Athapap).

With no schedule and no "to do" list, I quickly lost track of time.  I had no cell reception and limited internet access which made it easier for me to simply "be".  I truly enjoyed spending time with friends and my family and enjoying the moments of the day.  Spending time up north and being surrounded by so much beauty was just what I needed to finished off this year.



  1. What an awesome view! :)

  2. Definitely! That was a beautiful day. Looking at this picture makes me miss Flin Flon a bit.
