12 January 2012

A Glimpse into My World

Last year my son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS which stands for Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified.  It's really just a long fancy sounding name that means he has symptoms that fall under the autism spectrum.  This means that, among other difficulties, it is harder for him to connect socially with others, so most of you probably don't know him like I do.  Which is unfortunate, because he is really quite funny.

So this post is some of the ways he has made me laughed this past month.

My son saw this when we made a late night trip to Walmart:

He pointed it out to me and thought I should buy it.  So that when I got married I wouldn't have to "ascribe to traditional gender roles".  I don't know where he even gets this kind of language from, but I'm glad he's looking out for me!

I came home from work on Monday and my son asked me if I had any dreams lately.  Then he proceeded to tell me that he had a dream that he was "that wrestler, Macho Man Sandy Ravage".

Sandy Ravage???  SANDY RAVAGE!!!  I couldn't stop laughing and kept on repeating Sandy Ravage, and asking him where he had even heard of Randy Savage.

And then the funniest part of the whole situation was when I calmed down from laughing and he said:

"Actually, I didn't have a dream of  Randy Savage . . . I made the whole thing up."  And then with a bit of reflection, he said . . . "I don't know why I just made that up."

I don't know why he made it up either, but it was pretty funny.  Funny and weird.

My son had to write some poems for his English class.  One commented on the current economic situation.  Another one was about Smelly Pete, who takes bathes in expired milk.

Here are two of my favorite poems he has written:

A Haiku

Loopy Lorenzo
lost his marbles and his hair
oh what a dispair!

A Tanka

Dreary and drunk Dan
slurs, stutters, and stumbles around
the streets of Boston
he searches his bag for booze
Why is the rum always gone?

I'm not too sure what inspired him to create characters like Smelly Pete, Loopy Lorenzo, and dreary and drunk Dan, but I like it!


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