31 December 2009

Human Beans

I have been wanting to take some pictures of faces for a while now.

And not just faces of the Canine variety, but real Human Bean faces.  (Yes, I know Bean is wrong, but its how I said it as a kid).

Unfortunately, the most likely human bean for me to take a picture of reacts like this anytime my Nikon is remotely pointed in his direction:


And all I wanted for Christmas was to see his eyes.

It didn't happen.  I think that my son is under all that hair.  I sometimes worry that if I pull back that hair I will see the face of some impostor who isn't my son at all.

. . . . . . .

I'm gonna call this human bean, Cousin Bean.

When Cousin Bean knows a picture is being taken of her, she poses like this:

Drat!  And I was trying to be sneaky with the taking of the pictures.

Thank goodness there was so many people because it was inevitable that I would get shot or two of people looking natural.

Well, actually 2 shots.  Just 2 shots of people looking natural.

One of the unfortunate side effects from practicing on the dog for so long is the annoying habit of making little kissy noises to get peoples attention.

I think it makes people smile though, so I'm okay with it.  I suppose.


28 December 2009


I stopped by my Mom's today after Church to say Hi.  She wasn't home, but I found this on the wall:

I don't think I'll ever like ridiculous romance or movies where the entire cast of characters break into song . . . and if I ever do, please shoot me.


26 December 2009

Dec 25

Christmas Day was wonderful.  I just wanted time to rejuvenate, and that's exactly what I got.  I spent the entire morning hanging out in the kitchen.  First I brewed some Organic Yukon Blend Coffee from Starbucks and mixed it to perfection with Crystallized Organic Cane Sugar and just the right amount of Organic Cream.  (Just kidding, I didn't have organic cream, I just noticed a theme going on here).  Then I surfed the web for ideas on what to make for breakfast and with some inspiration from two different recipes I came up with Christmas Breakfast.  Finally, I listened to Animals in the Dark, the newest CD by William Elliott Whitmore and lazily cooked the bacon and sausage in the oven, browned the onions and mushrooms on the stove and randomly cleaned and organized.

My Christmas Breakfast.  An egg mixture consisting of: eggs, cream, mozza and monterey jack cheese blend, and browned onions and mushrooms all poured over a layer of breakfast sausage and bacon, and a layer of browned hash browns.  

My wonderful cooking enticed my son to emerge from his room (either that, or I said: Get up.  Breakfast is ready).

After breakfast he opened presents, and then we played with our toys.  My toys being my Nikon I bought earlier this year, and some of the Pampered Chef stuff I was trying to find a home for.

This is the Pinch Bowl Set by Pampered Chef.  I think the littlest one is super adorable.

By thtime we ate and opened presents it was mid afternoon, so we got ready, left the house and went to the Galaxy to watched Avatar.  I loved it.

Then it was off for a family supper and some visiting before heading home.

Rest.  Cooking.  Coffee.  Music.  Good food and family.  These simple ingredients make me happy.


24 December 2009

The Hills are Alive . . .

. . .  with the sound of music . . .  *gack gack*

While I was driving around the ranges of Mount Rushmore this summer, I saw this idyllic scene and it reminded me of that very musical movie.  I think it's one of my mother's favorite movies and it always seemed to air right around Christmas time.  So I snapped the picture, just for her, because she knows how very fond I am of that movie.

Merry Christmas!


18 December 2009


Even since I got my Iphone 3GS I have become more and more addicted.  I don't really even use it that often as a phone, it's the camera I love.  Oh, and the apps.  I love the apps.  And the internet.  I love the constant connection to the internet.

I just downloaded an app called ColorSplash.  The name is pretty much self explanatory:

This was first processed by applying the Lolo filter in the Camerbag app, followed by ColorSplash, and then a little touch up in iPhoto.  I'm not gonna lie, I'd never post a picture of myself without a whole lotta editing.

I have to say, I was so happy when my son obliged me and let me take this picture - right in the middle of the grocery store.  I made him put the basket on his back because I think it makes him look like a ninja turtle, and (I hope he doesn't read this), it makes him look so cute.

While I'm on the topic on my son, I'd just like to brag that he is the best to take to the grocery store.  Besides holding doors open for me, he also carries the basket around the store, and then the bags of groceries to the car.  And I just get to walk around, holding my purse and selecting items off the shelves for him to carry.  The best, I tell you.


16 December 2009

15 December 2009

Good Times

A friend from University had a going away party this weekend in Saskatoon.  She's going to be going to Guatemala City to teach for the next 10 months and I definitely think I should go and visit her.

But for various reasons, such as:

A- I lent my car out that night
B-It was cold
C- I was moody
D- Because . . . well . . . I don't think I can still keep up with 25 year olds
E-Did I mention that it was cold?

I never made it to the party.

I hope she can forgive me. . . . maybe a huge plate of baked goodies will help.

Her imminent departure has made me remember all the fun times we had together.  And the really really short hair that I had.

One of my favorite memories is running around the Spinks building after she had finished her presentation for her honors project and we had spent the evening at Louis.

We left little notes like: What Would Pia Do? 

It's a question I still finding me asking myself.

We would sit in class and laugh at the ridiculous references to "sexy reactions", the Arrryl groups that made the prof sound like a pirate and come up with dance moves, like the Electron Shuffle.  

The very best part of the night was visiting our favorite prof:

He claims that he could hear us laughing waaay before we actually knocked.  I'm sure he was right.  

Picture of the elusive prof, shown in his natural habitat.

My time at university was chemistry dorkiness at its finest: from SPOODS'S to WWPD?  It was a great couple of terms and I'm glad my friend broke me out of my shy shy facade, because university would have never been the same.


13 December 2009

It's Christmas Time . . .

We had a Christmas Celebration today at church.

I brought some of these magical mini's to share in the festivities:

Buttermilk Cookies with Sour Cream Frosting and Nutmeg.  Yum!

It's been a while since I've been to church and I'm glad I went.  It was probably my favorite Sunday of the whole year.  The whole morning was spend sampling Christmas baking, hanging out at the coffee bar, having great conversations and, of course, lots of laughing.

Beside good eats, there were many different musicians who played and sang Christmas songs.  Listening to the Christmas music made me feel all warm and fuzzy and happy inside, despite the bony chilling coldness outside.

Some art was showcased, which dealt with themes of Christmas:

I especially liked this piece with all is symbolism: with the ball of light surrounded by all the toys and gifts and the simple words:  In the light of His glory and grace.

I couldn't find any shepherds or wise men, but these wonderful guys were kept busy all morning, making delicious drinks, like my coveted Gingerbread Americano Misto's:

I actually caught myself saying: Mmmm . . . . .  mmmm out loud (and to myself) as I was sipping my drink.

I love, love, love when children learn how to write:

I don't think I could sum up Christmas any better.

I don't know if it was the tasty treats, the wonderful music, the art, the cold temperatures, or the warm cup of deliciousness, but I'm definitely in the Christmas mood.


10 December 2009

Off the Bookshelf

When I first picked up A Fraction of a Whole by Steve Toltz I just wanted to read a good story.  The outside of the book is littered with praise and acclaimation from various sources:  "Riotously funny" . . . "That rarest of long books - utterly worth it" . . . "nothing less than a comic masterpiece".  And so, I bought it, with full expectations of reading something that is "laugh-out loud funny".

The story follows the absurb life of Jasper Dean who seems to blame his outlandish father and ridiculous circumstances for his miserable state in life.  All I want to say is that I've been duped . . . this book was not funny.

I also read the Lump of Coal by Lemony Snicket.   I found this book in the bargain book section at McNally Robinson and since it was getting close to Christmas, I simply had to buy it. Having read all 13 books of A Series of Unfortunate Events, I was looking forward to Snickets humor.  I love children's stories and I especially love reading childrens stories out loud.  And so I promptly brought this book back to work and held a special reading for my coworkers.  I then went home and forced my son to listen to me.

Just look at that little lump of coal.  The little guy looks so sad and forlorn.  He's so cute.

While I'm on the topic of funny books, if someone would like to buy me At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances, I would be soo happy!  This is the third book, written by Alexander McCall Smith, that follows the crazy antics of Professor Dr Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld, and his collegues: Professor Florianus Prinzel and Professor Detlev Amadeus Unterholzer.  The first two books are called Portugese Irregular Verbs and The Finer Points of Sausage Dogs.  These books poke fun of academia through these three professors escapades.


09 December 2009

I'm sorry. . .

but I think the weather followed me back home from Swift Current.

Vew from the front doors of the Casino looking towards our hotel.  (Yes, we did take the shuttle).

This weather is sapping all motivation to get things done:

I wonder if I'll ever finish decorating my tree.

The phrase "It's colder than a witch's tit" keeps repeating itself in my head.  I don't know where I first heard that phrase, but it stuck.

I think Max has the right idea:

I think I'll begin the hibernation and settle down with a good book to read.


05 December 2009

Speedy Creek

I'm in Swift Current this weekend to watch Laces play hockey.

I've never tried to photograph sports before and I WILL get better.

I think Pitbull says it best:  We at the hotel, motel, Holiday Inn.

There is a casino next door.  We are separated by a parking lot.

There is a shuttle van that will pick us up from the front doors of the hotel and drop us off at the casino.

Unbelievable.  I think I'll use it tonight.


03 December 2009

This made me cry . . .

I was looking through Kijiji today in the volunteer section and came across this post:

Wanted:  Family? . . . Strange request . . .

Hello, this is probably a very strange request, but maybe someone will find in their hearts to reply back.
I am a 28yr old, hardworking, single mom of two young children.  I am deeply missing something in my life, and therefore spend many days feeling very lonely.  I'm missing that thing some take for granted... "family".  I am looking for someone or a family to almost like adopt us into their lives... I am not asking for money help... only companionship, the experience to feel what a family is suppose to feel like.  To be able to sit and laugh and play board games, or whatever... I have always longed for it and have never been able to experience it.  It would be sooo nice for my children to have someone to look up to as a "grandma" figure... or "grandpa"... I don't know what else to say other then I feel very stupid even posting this.  But what do you do when that's all you want in life?... I don't have many friends, just a couple, so it really is just me and my kids. . . . Maybe I'm expecting too much.. or maybe this will really touch the right person's heart...here's to hoping!

I read that post and it made me cry.

It made me cry because I know what it's like to have a good job, a nice place to live, and a loving and caring child (and dog) and yet still feel like something is missing.

It made me cry because it vividly reminded me of a time at the Children's Hospital in Edmonton (My son broke his arm on his sixth birthday and needed surgery to get a pin put in).  Besides the 5 hour wait in emergency room the only other memory I have in that hospital was sitting one night on a bench that over looked the atrium, an open space from the ground floor to the ceiling, some 6 or 7 floors up.  The hustle and bustle of the day was gone and as I sat there, in the dim light, I could see the rows of idle elevators and empty walkways that crisscrossed the atrium.  I can still hear the sound of the air as it blew through the ventilation, as I sat there feeling so very much alone.

It made me cry because I know her longing to connect with others, and to have the pleasure of seeing others connect with and enjoy your child/children.  Because playing a game by yourself with just your own child just isn't as fun as a game with a large group of people which usually includes friendly banter, rivalries and a level of intensity that just can't be matched.

And so I hope I pray that this woman will find what she is looking for.  And I will be thankful this holiday season for my blessings of family and close friends.


30 November 2009

Meandering Musings


After weeks of taste testing and practice batches I've narrowed down my selections for this years Christmas Cookies.  I spent the better part of the weekend in the kitchen.

Here is a sneak peek:


I watched Federer play Davydenko Saturday morning.  I don't know terminology that used in tennis.   I have just figured out that a set is called a set and is not called a period or an inning.  And what is the love about??

My dad would wear his Riders jersey to church on the Sundays that the Riders were playing a game.  And so, in memory of my dad I wore my 2007 Grey Cup Championship T-shirt while I did my baking on Sunday.  It's probably the closest I'll ever become to being a fan of football.

I guess it was a pretty disappointing weekend if you are a fan of Federer or the Riders.  Lucky for me my ignorance is my bliss. 


I don't really look at my horoscope, but my coworker read mine to me today and I thought it was fitting:

Gemini: Making lemonade from lemons is too passe for you. You'll turn your lemons into something more exciting -- a flaming sorbet or a fancy pie. With a twist and a flourish, you create magic and entertainment.


Mandatory gift giving and rampant commercialization makes me want to not give gifts this year.  Can't I just bake and cook for everyone?


26 November 2009

You Capture - Food

I'm liking this weeks photo challenge at I Should Be Folding Laundry because it's about FOOD. Since I started this blog back in March and bought my Nikon I have noticed that I have been taking an awful lot of pictures of food.

Pictures of food in restaurants, like when I went Keo's and The Granary. I've blogged about Belgium Cookies, and a Unfortunate Incident at Original Joe's that involved a succulent snow pea. And I started to do silly things like run outside with the Blackened Chicken to catch the fading light of the day.

Sometimes when I take a picture, it turns out to look rather unappetizing, like this Dahl I made on Sunday night. Despite its appearance, it was deLish.

On Monday I made Dutch Macaroni and decided then and there that every plate I served from then on would not only taste good, but would look good as well.

. . .

And then Tuesday came. It was late, and I was hungry. My Spanish Omelet on Homemade Hash Browns turned into Scrambled Eggs with Onions, Red Pepper and Bacon.

A week and a half ago I sat down and planned my meals for the next two weeks. It's something I have never done before and I am proud to say that I have pretty much stuck to schedule. Except for Wednesday when I got up to make the Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup (I forgot about the whole "roasting of the red peppers"). I don't even want to tell you what I ended making Wednesday night. And it's my blog, so I won't.

And tonight, I tried something new. That's why I love cooking so much. It never gets boring because there is always some new recipe to try . . . or you can always line up your vegetables in the casserole dish with a little flair.

Tonight I made Roasted Garlic and Herb Tilapia with Oven Roasted Potatoes and Carrots. This has been my favorite meal this week.

Check out more You Capture HERE.



25 November 2009

One Month

The one month countdown begins and tomorrow marks the day that we (and when I write we, I mean me) decided at work that it would be okay to start playing Christmas music. I know, it feels a little early with the warm weather and lack of snow. But, I've already marked the day on the calendar, complete with artistic touches of a christmas tree that's decked out with lights and presents. I've even embellished the whole scene with a huge musical note to denote the "playing of the Christmas music".

So we're kicking off the holiday spirit tomorrow with albums like: Bare Naked for the Holidays (Bare Naked Ladies), Christmas Songs (Diana Krall), The Family Force 5 Christmas Pageant, and of course the classic: Christmas with Boney M.


20 November 2009

Bantam Hockey

Tonight I was a hockey step mom and got to take a friends son to his first game of a hockey tournament.

It was a very good game. The other team scored a goal and tied the game, 3-3 at the end of the last period. Apparently that means overtime when it is a tournament.

I'm not too sure of the whole cheering thing yet. I managed to sit at the wrong side of the bleachers with the other team. Basically my cheers are uttered under my breath and consist of:

  • Oh (when I was slightly excited) and
  • Oooh (when I was very excited) and also,
  • C'mon C'mon (when we were trying to score at the net), and
  • General nervous leg shaking (it was a close game in the last period) . . . although the leg shaking could have been entirely due to the Grande Gingerbread Americano Misto I consumed during the game.

My general thoughts of the Bantam hockey game are:

  • I'm not liking the checking. Those guys can hit pretty hard, and the boards sound so loud when they get checked.
  • Oh and they stink. As the teams filed passed us to play the last period, I almost passed out!
  • My attention span has now increased to minutes. Imagine that! I can't believe I would actually like watching hockey.
  • I was very impressed when #7 tried to stop a player by throwing his body at the other team players legs. Oh the danger! What dedication! The ref, however, was not impressed. I guess it's called tripping and it's a 2 minute penalty.
  • I've come a long way from the days of "puck drop" (and looking for cupcake mix too!)

I had a great time at the rink tonight and am looking forward to watching more games this weekend.


19 November 2009

Mr. Weasel

Earlier this week I spotted this little guy in a field at the dog park. His very white coat caught my attention as his long slender body glided smoothly over the lumpy ground of the farmers field.

When I spotted him, sticking out like a sore thumb, I felt like a kid as I chased after him to try and get a picture.

He ended up on the side of a hill and I spent forever slowly stalking towards him, trying to get as close as possible.

This is Max. I ordered him to "Sit" and "Stay". He sat there for a least 10 minutes, nonchalantly looking around and casually gazing skyward as the geese flew by overhead. I was VERY impressed with him and the fact that he did not try and eat my "subject".

I just love his cute little pink nose and his tiny round ears. And I kinda wish it would snow so the poor little fellow can blend a bit.


16 November 2009

Making Alioli Sauce Frightens Me

I'm sitting here trying to work up the courage to make the Alioli Sauce for one of the appetizers I'm making. I'm having company over tomorrow night and I've made some big promises of yummy appetizers. One of them being the Bread with Mushrooms and Alioli Sauce that I had at my cooking class at Wild Serendipity Foods.

I've never made a mayonnaise before, and not too sure if I can, so instead, let me tell you about the new recipe I tried over the weekend. It's called Peppery Chicken Curry and can be found here at Kayotic Kitchen. The recipe was so easy and so delicious. You just mix a few things together, let marinade and then puree a bunch of onions, add spices and chicken and let simmer.

I was expecting the chicken to be quite hot and spicy and was slighty disappointed that it wasn't. But with each bite I could taste the wonderful peppery flavor, and I think any spiciness would have taken away from the flavour.

And so, my review of this recipe is: I love pepper and I love this recipe, its definitely a keeper.

This photo just doesn't do the recipe justice. It is very hard to capture pure deliciousness when it is 8 o'clock at night, your hungry, and you have to take a picture under crappy incandescent lights.

But, on the positive side, my son also loved this recipe. It makes me happy when I find a recipe he enjoys eating, especially when it's an ethnic recipe. I must have done something right.

. . . .

Back to the Alioli Sauce, or maybe bed.


iPhone Photos

Lens is the NY Times photojournalism blog and it's one of the sites I go to and look at photographs. A while ago they posted reader's photos taken only with a camera phone.

I thought I'd spend the weekend using my iPhone to take pictures. The pictures I have posted have all been taken with my iPhone 3G S and have been processed with Camera Bag. Camera Bag is probably my favorite app.

Here are my photos:

(filtered with Helga: washed out highlights and old-school vinetting)

I took this picture on Friday, coming back to work from lunch. I think I'll call it "The Wedding Party".

(Nothing, I just liked the texture)

I have no idea what filter I used. I didn't even take the picture. I just wanted to show you my new boyfriend. I met him at Old Navy in the Men's section. He's just what I've been looking for: he's nice and quiet, and he listens to me.

(Colorcross- hazy, chemical color swapping straight from the darkroom)

I took this picture when I went to warm up my car Saturday morning. It was inspired by a picture I saw on the Lens blog.

(Lolo-vibrant and colorful)

This in Nemo. I actually took this picture last weekend. But he's so cute, I had to include him. Plus, he looks fantastic with the Lolo filter applied.

(Cinema-dramatic moody coloring with a widescreen aspect ratio . . . because cheese looks so much better on the big screen)

Taken at Bulk Cheese. Because . . . well . . . I like cheese.

(Fisheye- to highlight the mostrosity growing in the vegetable isle)

The other day I cut open a green pepper and found a mini green pepper actually growing inside. I was disturbed. And then, I found this at Sobey's on Saturday. I was disgusted. It's like Alien, except instead of an Alien popping out of the chest of a human, it's a green pepper popping out of the top of a green pepper.

(Colorcross, again. Because Colorcross is cool. Breaking your Mac - not so much.)

This is a sad story involving a boy and a laptop and a dog named Max. The laptop lost. I'm glad it wasn't mine. The end.
