03 October 2009

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

I have idea who that quote is by.

But I think it fits this case.

The one thing I've learnt about being a mother is that you don't always have the answers to everything, and sometimes you got to make things up as they come along.

So when Max came into the house, soaking wet with mud up and down his paws and buried deep within his pads, I had to come up with a quick solution to keep my house from becoming a disaster zone.

I think socks held up with hair elastics does the trick, don't you?



  1. very good....he doesn't even seem to mind them!

  2. Yes, He's a great dog.

    Although I must have said something to him, like: "Now Max, if you do not keep these on your paws, I'll have to throw you back out wherest you came from".
