15 December 2009

Good Times

A friend from University had a going away party this weekend in Saskatoon.  She's going to be going to Guatemala City to teach for the next 10 months and I definitely think I should go and visit her.

But for various reasons, such as:

A- I lent my car out that night
B-It was cold
C- I was moody
D- Because . . . well . . . I don't think I can still keep up with 25 year olds
E-Did I mention that it was cold?

I never made it to the party.

I hope she can forgive me. . . . maybe a huge plate of baked goodies will help.

Her imminent departure has made me remember all the fun times we had together.  And the really really short hair that I had.

One of my favorite memories is running around the Spinks building after she had finished her presentation for her honors project and we had spent the evening at Louis.

We left little notes like: What Would Pia Do? 

It's a question I still finding me asking myself.

We would sit in class and laugh at the ridiculous references to "sexy reactions", the Arrryl groups that made the prof sound like a pirate and come up with dance moves, like the Electron Shuffle.  

The very best part of the night was visiting our favorite prof:

He claims that he could hear us laughing waaay before we actually knocked.  I'm sure he was right.  

Picture of the elusive prof, shown in his natural habitat.

My time at university was chemistry dorkiness at its finest: from SPOODS'S to WWPD?  It was a great couple of terms and I'm glad my friend broke me out of my shy shy facade, because university would have never been the same.


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