11 January 2010

Confessions of a Beckarazzi

Saturday is my grocery shopping day.  I hate wasting my time shopping and I especially hate wasting my time by standing in line.  Get in- get out.  That's my motto when it comes to grocery shopping.  To expedite my weekly trips I preplan my weekly menu, write out a list according to the layout of the store, and hit the stores early so I can be done and at home before it gets busy.

This past Saturday I decided to grocery shop with my mother.  We ended up going to the Co-op on 8th.  My fastidious approach to grocery shopping allowed me to finish well ahead of my mother.  That and I think I bought 50% less items.

So there I was finished my list and waiting for my mother to finish.



Getting bored.

I then began noticing the other shoppers in the store.   Most of them belonged to the older generation including one lady who I think was a little confused.  Sometimes she would have an armful of groceries (no basket) and sometimes she wouldn't.  There was also one notably grumpy man who walked by me muttering to himself: Some people just didn't know how to shop for groceries.  He made me smile.    

Have I mentioned I hate waiting?

Have I mention that I get bored so very easily and quickly?

After what seemed like an eternity, my mother finally made it to the produce section - the home stretch!  The end seemed so so near, but the minutes dragged on as my mother leisurely made her way through the produce section.  After hovering over her and ever so helpfully trying to speed her up.  I resigned to lurking in the near vicinity, hopeful that left to her own devices she would get finished sooner.

I started to pace around the produce department and occasionally looked around to see if my mother was anywhere close to being finished yet.  And that's when I made a stunning discovery:

A very large proportion of Co-op shoppers wear maroon 3/4 length winter coats.

To pass the monotony of waiting, I decided to get "proof" of these maroon 3/4 length coats.  I spent the rest of my time trying to find a maroon coated shopper, get my cart into position, and then wait until the unsuspecting maroon coated shopper was busy selecting their produce . . . to take their picture:

Look: 3. . . 3 Maroon Coated Shoppers.  Ah ah ah  (said in the voice of The Count)

With the muttering man, and the wandering lady I think I win hands down for weirdness.  And I don't think I will ever shop at the Co-op,

Ever Again.

The End.



    That made my day!

  2. Glad to hear that, I debated long and hard about writing this post and revealing my weirdness to the blogosphere. Although I'm sure you already knew that about me!
