23 April 2009

A Road Trip Lament

Why or why Alberta do you hate me so?  This is the second time I've arrived in your province only to be received with the most ungracious welcome.  Did I not vow after my first visit, not to return until summer?

Why must you obscure my windows with snow and slush from speeding vehicles?  Why must you cover your signs with snow so that I miss my turnoff?  I merely wish to visit long enough to finish my business before retreating back to safe Saskatchewan.

Why must you subject my Subaru and I with your scorn and wrath?  Your brown slush incessantly battered my side panels leaving behind a thick coat of ugly brown pocked ice.  I almost weeped at the Husky Station when I had to chip away your hatred which covered my headlights and grill.

It is only when I turn around and head back to Saskatoon that the roads become clear, as if welcoming me back to my roots.


  1. I feel your pain! For the last several years in a row our friends get together for a "girls trip" in Edmonton in April - and every year we're greeted by a snowstorm from hell!
    Glad you made it home safely :)

  2. I am so glad you're back!! I had no idea of the weather until I talked to a man in line at the grocery store who said his wife and daughter were stranded in Calgary!! Tell Davin he's a trooper too.

  3. The driving wasn't so so bad this time. I was just a little peeved that the weather cramped my style, ie. speeding down the highway with the music on full blast.

    I never thought I say this . . . but: it's so nice to be back is Saskatoon.

    although technically I'm writing.
