14 January 2010

Christmas Disturbances

I stopped by the University this week and against all warnings in my head, I decided to stop by The Lab.

I guess I was curious.

When I was working there making fun organometallic compounds Chef Emeril style or just stopping by to say Hi with some freshly baked cookies, I was always dismayed at the lack of spirit.

Every Christmas or Halloween I would see all the other labs band together to carve pumpkins, or decorate their lab.  In this lab however, the sad lonely pumpkin would sit off in some dingy corner of the room.  And the Christmas decorations would be relegated to a top shelf and ignored.

I was always slightly disappointed at the lack of enthusiasm.

But when I walked up to the doors of The Lab this week,

. . . . .

I saw

 . . . . .

. . . . .

I saw

. . . . .

Okay, before I show you what I saw, I just want to say:  Thank you.

Thank you for not decorating.  Thank you for ignoring the pumpkin and ditching the decorations.

 . . . . .

. . . . .

Thank you for sparing me from sights like this:

All I have to say is: when I saw the door, I felt all wobbly.  I quickly snapped the picture, shuttered and left.  I don't think I will ever return.

. . . . .

On a side note, my mother likes to display all her Christmas cards and greetings, and I noticed this one the other day when I was visiting:

Looking at this takes the previous disturbing image out of my head.  I enjoy how the dog and Santa look like old pros at getting their picture taken.  How their heads are tilted in opposite directions.  They look so photogenic, so peaceful, so serene.  I like how Elaine and Tim are clutching their respective cats.  The cats do not look peaceful and they do not look serene.  They look like they are trying to bolt.  And Elaine and Tim look like they are clutching their cats as best they can, while still keeping a smile on, for the camera.  What I love most about this picture is how Swift the Horse has been photoshopped in.



  1. Becky, thank you for making me have a laughing fit after reading this post!! I haven't laughed like this in so long!! That Cmas picture at the end is absolutely hilarious. hahahahahaaaa, I'm still laughing.....

  2. o my goodness!!! is that the door to our lab?And is that steve on top.

  3. Yes, it's the lab door. I didn't even begin to know where to knock, so I just left.

  4. I know Carmen, every time I saw that picture at my mom's, I had a good chuckle!

  5. Remember when we took Brady and Max to get pictures with Santa . . . they looked so cute . . . but dear god was Santa creepy!
