30 November 2009

Meandering Musings


After weeks of taste testing and practice batches I've narrowed down my selections for this years Christmas Cookies.  I spent the better part of the weekend in the kitchen.

Here is a sneak peek:


I watched Federer play Davydenko Saturday morning.  I don't know terminology that used in tennis.   I have just figured out that a set is called a set and is not called a period or an inning.  And what is the love about??

My dad would wear his Riders jersey to church on the Sundays that the Riders were playing a game.  And so, in memory of my dad I wore my 2007 Grey Cup Championship T-shirt while I did my baking on Sunday.  It's probably the closest I'll ever become to being a fan of football.

I guess it was a pretty disappointing weekend if you are a fan of Federer or the Riders.  Lucky for me my ignorance is my bliss. 


I don't really look at my horoscope, but my coworker read mine to me today and I thought it was fitting:

Gemini: Making lemonade from lemons is too passe for you. You'll turn your lemons into something more exciting -- a flaming sorbet or a fancy pie. With a twist and a flourish, you create magic and entertainment.


Mandatory gift giving and rampant commercialization makes me want to not give gifts this year.  Can't I just bake and cook for everyone?



  1. Your pictures are amazing Becky!! And I'm loving your blog :)
    p.s. your last comment about Christmas were the exact words I have been looking for! "Mandatory gift giving and rampant commercialization" drives me nuts! My brother & his wife actually give out an official "list" of their wants including the stores to buy them at & the price.
    WHat about the thought? Where is the thought in that?? ahhh....I'm inspired to post!!

  2. Thanks for reading Carmen. I love comments . . . especially ones that say "loving my blog" and "pictures are amazing"!

    I used to be one of those people who "helpfully" created lists for my family to shop from. This year feels different for me though. I don't want to shop and I don't really want anything, although I'll graciously accept any gifts I receive!
